Bharmour is the last town before Manimahesh. It is base of all routes to Manimahesh. Bharmour town is the origin point of Manimahesh Lake trek and yatra. Hence first you need to reach Bharmour before going to Manimahesh.
Bharmour is well connected by road but railway station and airport are quite far from Bharmour. Nearest railway station is Pathankot cantt railway station which is at a distanc of 180km from Bharmour. Nearest airports are Gaggal Airport, Dharamshala 185km, Amritsar Airport 300km and Jammu Airport 268km.
How to reach Manimahesh from Bharmour
Manimahesh can be reached from Bharmour by trek, horse and helicopter.
Most popular route by trek or horse is via Dhanchho
Most popular route to reach Manimahesh by trek or horse is via Hadsar and Dhanchho. Bharmour to Hadsar you can go either by local taxis or by bus. Hadsar to Dhanchho and then to Manimahesh you can go either by trek or by horse. This is only route where you have option to go by horse or by trek. Every year 3-5 lakh people go to Manimahesh by this route.
Manimahesh route via Kugti or Manimahesh Parikrama route is 2nd most popular route
If you would like to go for Manimahesh Parikrama then you need to go to Kugti via Hadsar either by taxi or bus. Taxi takes you to Lahal, 2km before Kugti and Bus takes you to Dharol, 5km before Kugti. After you reach Kugti you can go to Manimahesh by trek only through Dalotu, Alyas Base camp.
Manimahesh Yatra by helicopter
Manimahesh yatra by helicopter is available only for 15-20 days in a year around Janamashatami and Radhashtami on the dates decided by Manimahesh Trust. Period of Manimahesh yatra may increase in the year 2017.