Chintpurni Devi Temple is a place of pilgrimage in India. Chintpurni is located in Una district Himachal Pradesh state, surrounded by the western Himalaya in the north and east in the smaller Shiwalik (or Shivalik) range bordering the state of Punjab. Chintpurni is dedicated to the temple of Chinnamastika Devi or Chinnamasta Devi. Chhinnamasta or Chinnamastika temple is one of the 7 major and 51 total Shakti Peeths. Here, Chhinnamasta is interpreted as the severed-headed one as well as the foreheaded-one.
When Lord Vishnu cut up the body of Sati into 51 pieces so that Lord Shiva would calm down and stop his Tandava, the pieces were scattered over various places in the Indian subcontinent. It is said that the severed head (chinnamastika) of Sati fell at this place and is thus considered one of the most important of the 51 Shakti Peeths.
The temple dedicated to Mata Chintpurni Devi is located in District Una of Himachal Pradesh. Mata Chintpurni Devi is also known as Mata Shri Chhinnamastika Devi. Devotees have been visiting this Shaktipeeth for centuries to pray at the lotus feet of Mata Shri Chhinnamastika Devi. They bring with them their worldly concerns and seek blessings from the Devi. It is believed that if you ask something from the Devi with a true heart, your wish will be granted.
Apart from the holy shrine, the place is full of picturesque surroundings. Some very nice places for sight seeing, indoor and out door activities are situated in and around Chintpurni. Chintpurni is very well connected through roads and with good number of hotels and dharamsalas erceted in and around chintpurni, accommodation is not a problem at all. You can come here for religious visit, on a holiday or for both, you would enjoy your time there and should return with everlasting memories. Devotees usually get their photos clicked in the temple complex, after the holy Darshan of the Devi.
Pandit Mai Das, a Saraswat Brahman, is generally believed to have established this shrine of Mata Chintpurni Devi in Chhaproh village in the ancient times. Over the time this place became known as Chintpurni after the eponymous deity. His descendants still live in Chintpurni and perform prayers and puja at the Chintpurni temple. These descendants are the official priests at the Temple.
Hindu pilgrimage and marriage records were also used to be kept at this holy place. The Genealogical Society (GSU) of Utah, USA has microfilmed Hindu pilgrimage records for Haridwar and several other Hindu pilgrimage centres. Priests (pandits) located at each site would record the name, date, home-town and purpose of visit for each pilgrim. These records were grouped according to family and ancestral home. The holdings by GSU include Haridwar, Kurukshetra, Pehowa, Chintpurni, Jawalapur and Jawalamukhi.
Devotees tie red crimson threads on making a wish, and come back and untie when fulfilled. The temple is open from 4 am to 11 pm. Devotees usually bring offerings for the Devi. Sweets (e.g. suji halwa, laddoo, barfi), kheer (sugar-coated puffed rice), patasha, coconut (or other fruits), chunni, dhwaja (red-coloured flag), flowers and ghee are some of the offerings that devotees bring. You may bring the prasad from home or you may buy it from one of the shops in the bazaar.
In the center of the Temple is the temple garbha griha. The image of Mata Chintpurni Devi is installed here in the form of a pindi (a round stone). People queue up for a darshan of the Devi and make their prayers and offerings.
Its a kind of a custom at the Temple that the devotees, after the holy Darshan of the Goddess, get their photos clicked by the professional photographers in the Temple complex. The view of the Chintpurni town and the far flung scenic contours is enjoyable from the back-yard of the temple. The photos clicked here of the devotees are life-time memoirs for them.
Chintpurni is situated at the altitude of 940 metres and is part, Una district, Himachal Pradesh. The temple is situated on one of the highest peaks of the Sola Singhi range of hills. It is about 3 km west of Bharwain which is located on the Hoshiarpur – Dharmashala road. This road is part of the State Highway network and is normally kept in good shape throughout the year.
Private vehicles are usually not allowed beyond the Chintpurni bus stand which is about 1.5 km from the Temple. You would have to walk this distance. About half of this distance is up a gentle incline and through a very busy market.
Maa Chintpurni temple in news
जीवन की चिंताओं को दूर करती हैं ‘मां चिंतपूर्णी’, नवरात्रि के दिनों में बेहद शुभ माना जाते हैं इनके दर्शन
मां चिंतपूर्णी का मंदिर हिमाचल प्रदेश के ऊना जिले में स्थित है। बता दें, देवी को चिंताओं को दूर करने वाली माता के रूप में जाना जाता है। जिस तरह से हिमाचल में ज्वालामुखी का मंदिर भक्तों के बीच इतना प्रसिद्ध है, उसी तरह से इस मंदिर में भी भक्त नवरात्रि के दिनों में दर्शन करने के लिए जाते हैं।
When Himachal Pradesh’s Mata Chintpurni temple started home delivery of ‘prasad’
In 2020, with temples closed amid the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the Mata Chintpurni temple in Himachal Pradesh’s Una has started the facility of home delivery of ‘prasad’ to its devotees through online request.
Chintpurni Devi Dham: चिंतपूर्णी धाम जाने से पहले अवश्य पढ़ें ये जरुरी जानकारी
चिंतपूर्णी तक पहुंचने के लिए काफी रास्ते हैं। यदि आप दिल्ली से चिंतपूर्णी आते हैं तो आपको दिल्ली से चंडीगढ़, रोपड़, नंगल, ऊना, मुबारकपुर, भरवाईं होते हुए चिंतपूर्णी आना होगा। आप सड़क मार्ग तय करके 5 घंटे में चंडीगढ़ से चिंतपूर्णी पहुंच सकते हैं।
Chintpurni Devi Dham: चिंतपूर्णी धाम जाने से पहले अवश्य पढ़ें ये जरुरी जानकारी – chintpurni devi dham
2022 के जून महीने के 23 दिनों में माता के दरबार में श्रद्धालुओं ने 2.05 करोड़ रुपये का चढ़ावा चढ़ाया था