How to Register for Amarnath Yatra 2013

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If you would like to go for Amarnath Yatra 2013 then you need to register for the Yatra and obtain a Amarnath Yatra 2013 Permit.

Without a valid Amarnath Yatra Permit you will not be allowed to proceed beyond Pahalgam (Chandanwari) and Baltal (Domel) for the Yatra. The registration of Yatris for Yatra 2013 Yatra will start from 18th March 2013 onwards. 

You can register via 121 Branches of  J&K Bank, 50 Branches of YES Bank, 101 Branches of State Bank of India, 100 Branches of Punjab National Bank, and 50 Branches of HDFC Bank, located in various states.

To register for Yatra 2013, you should download the Application Form and the prescribed Compulsory Health Certificate (CHC).

To know the address of the nearest authorized Doctor/ Medical Institution in your State click on the list of Doctor/ Medical Institutions.

Every Registration Bank Branch has been authorized to register a fixed quota of Yatris for each day and each route.

Visit to your nearest Registration Bank Branch early to obtain your Yatra Permit for the day and route of your choosing before the quota gets exhausted.

Please fill-in the Application Form and paste a self signed passport sized photograph on it.

Please fill-in Part A of the prescribed Compulsory Health Certificate (CHC) and paste a self signed passport sized photograph on it. Then submit the CHC to the Doctor/ Medical Institution authorized by your State Government to issue the CHCs. STATE / UT WISE LIST OF DOCTORS / INSTITUTION, AUTHORISED TO ISSUE COMPULSORY HEALTH CERTIFICATE (FOR SHRI AMARNATHJI YATRA 2013)

Persons under the age of 13 years, above the age of 75 years, and ladies with more than six weeks of pregnancy will not be registered for the Yatra. Click to see the press release about this information

If the authorized doctor/Medical Institution certifies you to be fit to undertake the Yatra,  please go to the nearest Registration Bank Branch and submit: (i) the filled-in Application Form along with four passport sized photographs; (ii) the CHC issued by the authorized Doctor/ Medical Institution; and, (iii) Rs 30 as Registration Fee to the Registration Officer in the Bank.

If your Application Form and CHC is in order (and Registration Quota for the day and route is still available), the Registration Officer will issue you a Yatra Permit.

Please bring the Yatra Permit with you when you come to J&K for pilgrimage and embark on your pilgrimage only on the day and from the route for which you have been registered, to enjoy a hassle free pilgrimage.

If you intend to travel by helicopters to Panjtarni, you will not be required to register separately for the Yatra. However, you will have to submit the prescribed Compulsory Health Certificate at the time of boarding the helicopters before being allowed to proceed further for their Yatra.

Food Menu for Amarnath Yatra 2013 can be found here