How to reach Bharmour

How to reach Bharmour by Air

The closest airport is at Gaggal (Kangra) near Dharamshala which is 190 km from Bharmour. Buses and Taxis are available from Gaggal Airport to Bharmour.

How to reach Bharmour by  Train

The nearest railway terminal is situated in Pathankot cantt railway station (PTKC) and Pathankot railway station (PTK) which  are at distance of 180kms from Bharmour. Taxis and Buses  are available from these railway stations to Bharmour.

How to reach Bharmour by Road

Bharmour is well connected by roads with main cities of Himachal Pradesh like Chamba, Dalhousie, Dharamshala etc. It is 60kms from the city of Chamba and approximately 200 km from Dharamshala at a height of 2195 m above  sea level. Taxis and Buses are available.

Check Availability of HRTC buses here

 Click here for approximate taxi rates for Bharmour from popular tourist destinations, airport and railway station…